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1、玫瑰花的葬礼   《玫瑰花的葬礼》   词:许嵩(Vae) & 李毅杰(V.)   曲/编曲:李毅杰(V.)   唱/混音:许嵩(Vae)   离开你一百个星期   我回到了这里   寻找我们爱过的证据   没有人愿意提起   玫瑰花它的过去   今天这里的主题   我把它叫作 回忆   我知道 爱情这东西   它没什么道理   过去我和你在一起   是我的叛逆   现在只剩我自己   偷偷的想你   玫瑰花的葬礼   埋葬关于你的回忆   感觉双手麻痹   不能自已   已拉不住你   真的好美丽   那天的烟花雨   我说要娶穿碎花洋裙的你   玫瑰花的葬礼   埋葬深深爱着的你   残朵停止呼吸   渗入大地   没人会注意   一片小雨滴   陪着我等天明   我用这最后一分钟怀念你   我在夜幕笼罩的天桥上潜行   每一级阶梯   都留着你我昔日印迹   温存迷醉吵闹清醒   都还在我的脚畔兜转不清   没来得及把红色玫瑰递给你   爱就像是一场雨   已经离我而去   你说过   太过鲜艳的爱情终将凋零   玫瑰花的葬礼   埋葬关于你的回忆   感觉双手麻痹   不能自已   已拉不住你   真的好美丽   那天的烟花雨   我说要娶穿碎花洋裙的你   玫瑰花的葬礼   埋葬深深爱着的你   残朵停止呼吸   渗入大地   没人会注意   一片小雨滴   陪着我等天明   我用这最后一分钟怀念你   总是不经意想起了你   总是回想过去埋怨我自己   现在的你已经太遥不可及   只能留在我记忆   玫瑰花的葬礼   埋葬关于你的回忆   感觉双手麻痹   不能自已   已拉不住你   真的好美丽   那天的烟花雨   我说要娶穿碎花洋裙的你   玫瑰花的葬礼   埋葬深深爱着的你   残朵停止呼吸   渗入大地   没人会注意   一片小雨滴   陪着我等天明   我用这最后一分钟怀念你   我用这最后一分钟怀念你   玫瑰花的葬礼 - 英文版(原创词)The Rose’ s Funeral   制作、作词:Yy   leaving you with long long time   I’m returned here   to found our loved evidence   Nobody was willing to raised rose past   today the theme was called recall   I known the love do not so much reason   formerly we together that I’m rebel   now only remain me to slying miss you   Roses’funeral   beried on about your recall   felt my hands palsy   I can’t doing to pulled my dear you   It was really fine that day’s firewokes   I remembering I said married with you   Roses’funeral   beried deeply loved you   remnant stopping breathe and into land   nobody’ll attention   a light small rainning and waited for dawn with me   I’ll used the last one minute to missing you   I am walking in the dark around park   that every steps all remain our stamp   attentived & considerated were still on my foot go round me   I had no time made a rose passed you   that love like rains and it left me   You said more than vivid love had faded in the end   Roses’funeral   beried on about your recall   felt my hands palsy   I can’t doing to pulled my dear you   It was really fine that day’s firewokes   I remembering I said married with you   Roses’funeral   beried deeply loved you   remnant stopping breathe and into land   nobody’ll attention   A light small rainning and waited for dawn with me   I’ll used the last one minute to missing you   It’s always recall famerly to blamed I   and always unknowingly to miss you   Now you become in the distant leaving me   You were staied on my mind   Roses’funeral   beried on about your recall   felt my hands palsy   I can’t doing to pulled my dear you   It was really fine that day’s firewokes   I remembering I said married with you   Roses’funeral   beried deeply loved you   remnant stopping breathe and into land   nobody’ll attention   A light small rainning and waited for dawn with me   I’ll used the last one minute to missing you   I’ll used the last one minute to missing you... 。

